Transitional Living Program
The transitional Living program guides youth ages 17 1/2 to 21 toward independence. Youth attend school or seek employment as they work toward independence and self-sufficiency. Our Life Skills Coaches teach and mentor youth in maintaining a budget, preparing meals, and other general skills they need to live on their own. Life skills coaches are available to youth 24 hours a day.

Spero Transitional Living Program teaches life skills related to:
-Getting and maintaining a job
-Managing money
-Completing education
-Daily living skills
-Connecting to community resources
Our program includes:
-Spiritual Life Activities
-24-hour Support
-Education Advocacy and Case-Management
-Vocational Skill Training and ongoing support in the workforce

Independent Living Opportunites

When a youth in care reaches 18 years of age our Independent Living Program provides case management services and support to help them secure and maintain their own apartment. To qualify a youth must show efforts towards independence including earning a high school diploma or GED and 3 months of stable employment.
Visitation Rules for visitation will be posted on our website, on entry doors for check-in areas, and available handouts for visitors. DCFS Action Transmittal 2021.05 contains guidance on in-person visitation and contacts. Per the guidance, visitation planning should occur during Child and Family Team meetings or clinical staffing. Additional protocols and requirements include • All parties including clients, visitors, and agency staff must wear a face covering for the entire duration of the visit. • Environmental cleaning procedures outlined in the general precautions section of this plan are to be followed including disinfecting of surfaces in the visitation area before and after each visit. • All visitors are required to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer at check-in before they meet with anyone. Agency clients and employees are required to follow the procedures outlined in the general precautions section of this plan. • Signage will be posted in the administrative check-in areas outlining expectations for visitation, including; check-in, face coverings, hand hygiene, symptom screening, and social distancing.