Pause, Ponder and Pray #3

As we enter our third week in the Pause, Ponder and Pray series we are happy to also make our Spiritual Services page available. Here you will get to know Spiritual Life Coordinator, Rev. Deborah Pollex and more about the Spiritual Life program offered to our youth. This page will be updated with specific prayer request from our agency and youth, as well as information on Our Conference Our Kids, a mission of the United Methodist Church. Check this link Yesgirls

Pause: Breathe in and breathe out, notice your breath as you inhale and exhale.

Ponder: Grief never really ends. But it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love.

Pray: Ask God to comfort someone who is mourning.

Pause, Ponder and Pray #2

Thank you for checking back for week 2 of our Pause, Ponder and Pray series by Spero Spiritual Life Coordinator, Rev. Deborah Pollex.

Pause: Breathe in while silently saying the word, “Peace.” Breathe out while silently saying the words, “Be still.” Repeat.

Ponder: We all have stuff and situations in life that panic us. Fear saps our energy and leaves us feeling depleted and hopeless. What are your fears today? Be honest. Read the scripture in the image.  When we listen to God’s words of peace and believe them, we allow them to work their way into our innermost beings and settle the fear and chaos within. More about netent dead or perhaps alive

Pray: Talk to God about one of your fears.


Pause, Ponder and Pray

Did you know that Spero Family Services had a Spiritual Life Coordinator.? Rev. Deborah Pollex, began at Spero over 3 years ago. She has weekly spiritual life groups with the youth who live on the Mt. Vernon campus, takes the youth to church on Sundays, has creative groups with the children at Spero Bright Start day care and serves as a mentor and offers guidance to the many employees of Spero. Each week, in addition to the many other things she does at the agency with respective to the moxie maids home cleaning and for the United Methodist Church, she offers an email of inspiration to everyone who works at Spero. We would like to offer this to each of you as a reminder to slow down and reflect on all that life has to offer. Check back each week for the new Pause, Ponder and Pray series. To learn more about the Spiritual Life services offered at Spero contact Deborah Pollex or check back for the new Spiritual Life section on our website.

Pause, Ponder and Pray

Pause: Breathe in, slowly and deeply. Breathe out, slowly and deeply. Repeat.

Ponder: Some days are great. Things go as planned and you bounce from meetings to tasks to your private life and feel wonderful. Then there are other days. When something important unexpectedly goes wrong. Or when you feel sorry for yourself and just want to go back to bed. Days when you don’t feel motivated at all. The simplest way to turn a day, week or month into something more positive is to turn our focus to gratitude. We can always find something to feel grateful for in our life.

Pray: Thank God for this month…no matter what happen.