Our Services

What is play therapy? 

Play therapy is an evidence-based type of therapy used with children of all ages.  Children are not always able to share and process their emotions, past traumas, and current problems like adults do.  Play is a child’s natural form of communication and something they use daily to make sense of their world. Play therapy allows the therapist to meet a child where they are. 

Benefits of Play Therapy 

  • build trust, mastery, and rapport 
  • increase problem-solving skills 
  • develop self-control
  • regulate emotions
  • reduces stress
  • develop healthy coping mechanisms
  • identify and express feelings in healthy ways 
  • elevate self-esteem
  • build positive relationships
  • process trauma in a safe environment.  

What is EMDR?

EMDR, short for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a mental health therapy that specifically addresses the negative impact of traumatic memories. The patient is encouraged to focus briefly on the memory while incorporating bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements.

What can it treat? 

  • Trauma
  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Other psychological challenges  

What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting is a therapy tool that is based on the idea that where people look can influence how they feel. Brainspotting involves identifying eye positions (or “brainspots”) that are linked to emotional or physiological activation related to trauma, negative emotions, or other issues.

What can it treat? 

  • Trauma
  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Other psychological challenges  


What is TF-CBT?

TF-CBT stands for Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is an evidence-based therapeutic approach designed to address the psychological aftermath of trauma in individuals, particularly children and adolescents. TF-CBT helps children build the skills they need to cope with life’s stressors. It also helps parents or other caregivers, who were not abusive, to cope effectively with their own emotional distress and develop other skills that can support their children. 

What can it treat? 

  • Trauma
  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship and attachment challenges
  • Other psychological challenges

What is PERRT?

PERRT (Psychosexual Evaluation and Risk Reduction Treatment) aims to identify risks and needs related to sexual behavior and provide treatment. We also give recommendations to reduce recidivism, increase community safety, and bridge gaps between mental health and judicial fields. The program will be open to referrals from multiple agencies across Southern Illinois and includes evaluation, individual and group counseling, and psychoeducation for caregivers and support persons.

This service is only available at our West Frankfort location.